スウェーデンの若者、全国各地で数百台の同時多発車放火テロを決行。首相は激怒しラジオでファックと発言してしまう [981340838]
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0360番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイ 8616-Qb5F)
2018/08/15(水) 01:41:09.35ID:nSTk3JOh0そこに住んでいるニガーかサンドニガーがここはいつも閑静な場所ですっていってるだけだろあほか
STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Youths torched and vandalized scores of cars in the Swedish city of Gothenburg and surrounding towns and Prime Minister Stefan Lofven said on Tuesday
the disturbances looked organized “almost like a military operation”.
It was unclear what triggered Monday night’s unrest but Sweden has seen a rise in violence in areas with high unemployment and other social problems and the incident echoed rioting in the capital Stockholm in 2013.
Mounting public concern about gang-related and other violence has become a central issue in campaigning ahead of a national election on Sept. 9.
Police said that up to 100 cars were either set fire to or vandalized in Gothenburg, Sweden’s second-biggest city located in the western part of the country, and in nearby towns such as Falkenberg and Trollhattan,
an industrial area with high unemployment.
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