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2013/06/10(月) 08:06:11.26ID:FlSly5qE0重田 浩之さんの自己紹介
i am the hiro of justice! because my name is 'hiro', and i did fight for justice. so i am the hiro of justice! I'm gods freaks. I'm genius!
i am Japanese, but i am not Japanese.
i was gifted childe.
i weared funny hexagon glasses.
i declared 'genius' and 'i of Justice'.
i speak dog.
i am believer in belly buttons collector.
i took 1st and 2nd videos in 1995.
i took 3rd videos in 1997.
i helped girl when jap try kidnap a girl at okinawa in japan.
i shot jap with pistol at high school in japan.
i accused jap.
i sad many funney jokes.
i sad many slander.
3rd video stoped missile when galf war.
U.S.M.P(Yokosuka) stole my videos.
i sent a message to president putin befor big recession.
The Hiro of Justice
FTA(Fucking Translator from America)
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