NHKでは、佐藤 勝彦がノーベル賞候補みたくよいしょしているが、下記を読むとちょっと甘いように思う

Inflation (cosmology)

Early inflationary models
Inflation was proposed in January 1980, by Alan Guth as a mechanism for resolving these problems.[41][42]
At the same time, Starobinsky argued that quantum corrections to gravity would replace the initial singularity of the universe with an exponentially expanding deSitter phase.[43]
In October 1980, Demosthenes Kazanas suggested that exponential expansion could eliminate the particle horizon and perhaps solve the horizon problem,[44]
while Sato suggested that an exponential expansion could eliminate domain walls (another kind of exotic relic).[45]
In 1981 Einhorn and Sato[46] published a model similar to Guth's and showed that it would resolve the puzzle of the magnetic monopole abundance in Grand Unified Theories.

佐藤 勝彦(さとう かつひこ、1945年8月30日 - )は、日本の宇宙物理学者。専門は、宇宙論。インフレーション宇宙論の提唱者として知られる。

また、Alexei Starobinskyも1979年に同様のモデルについてのアイデアを示し[7]、1980年に論文を発表している[8]。なお、“インフレーション”という言葉を最初に用いたのはグースである[5]。
(注:佐藤の論文は、”Recieved 1980 September 9;in original form 1980 February 21”、Alan Guthは”Recieved 11 August 1980”)