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2016/12/04(日) 23:14:31.66ID:7ic6somI0前スレ落ちてるし
【11u】APA アパホテル【3万円】 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
0199APA Hotel Insists that the Attack on Pearl Harbor was Fabricated
2017/01/22(日) 20:18:09.68ID:is62K0d80“Revisionist WWII propaganda in the room”
Review of APA Hotel
> The book was full of all kinds of absurd claims like the Nanking massacre was invented by the Chinese, the comfort women of WWII were
> happy, well paid prostitutes who enjoyed playing sports in their free time, and a "sorry not sorry" explanation of Pearl Harbor and the claim
> that the US blew up the USS Arizona themselves and blamed Japan.
真珠湾に対する言い訳とともに「アメリカが自分たちで戦艦アリゾナを爆破して日本のせいにした」という, あらゆる馬鹿げた主張で溢れている。
APA Hotel is denying not only the Rape of Nanking but the Attack on Pearl Harbor and insisting that the US blew up the USS Arizona themselves and blamed Japan.
0200APA Hotel Insists that the Attack on Pearl Harbor was Fabricated
2017/01/22(日) 20:19:43.17ID:is62K0d80JAN. 19, 2017
The books and articles describe a kind of alternative historical universe, one where Japan fought entirely nobly in World War II and in which its alleged
atrocities were invented by Chinese and Korean propagandists. The accounts differ sharply from those of mainstream historians, both in Japan and abroad.
この本は異なった世界の歴史を描いている。そこでは日本軍が一貫して高潔であり, いわゆる残虐行為は中国と韓国の創作でありプロパガンダだ。
その筋書きは, 日本及び世界で主流の歴史と明確に異なっている。
One piece of literature that was featured for years was an essay by a former air force general, Toshio Tamogami, which won a prize in an APA-sponsored
contest in 2008. In it, Mr. Tamogami claimed that Japan had been duped into attacking the United States at Pearl Harbor in 1941, in a plot he said was
hatched by Communists inside the administration of President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
この文芸作品の一部分は, 数年にわたって注目されていた。それは, アパホテルがスポンサーのコンテストで2008年に入賞した田母神俊雄・元航空幕僚長の小論だ。
田母神はそこで日本が1941年に真珠湾でアメリカを攻撃するよう陰謀に嵌められたと主張した。彼によるとその筋書きは, ルーズベルト政権内の共産主義者が企んだという。
APA Hotel is denying not only the Rape of Nanking but the Attack on Pearl Harbor and insisting that the US blew up the USS Arizona themselves and blamed Japan.
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